Orthopedic Injuries – What You Need to Know

We’re back in the full swing of school and summer is quickly turning to fall. The changing of the leaves also ushers in Friday night lights, homecoming, pep rallies and school rivalries. Yet, with the new season of middle and high school sports comes the likelihood of injury.


Athletes are prone to a number of orthopedic ailments and injuries, so knowing what to do if you or a family member experiences an injury is crucial in order to allow the healing process to begin.


One of the most common injuries is an ankle sprain. There are varying degrees of severity when it comes to sprained ankles, but even the slightest injury can be incapacitating to an athlete. Being unable to plant one’s foot for mobility and speed can certainly keep even the most talented of athletes sidelined. For these types of injury, ice, compression and time are a sprained ankle’s best friend.


While ankles may have the ability to heal on their own, there are some injuries that require the professional help of our sports medicine doctors for repair and recuperation, including an ACL tear, meniscus tear, dislocation or tearing of the rotator cuff and various stress fractures.


Many of these types of injuries are accompanied by a loud “pop” and immediately limit the ability to walk or throw properly and a physician should be consulted immediately.


In the interim of waiting to see your physician, be sure to put no pressure, weight or unnecessary strain on the ligament that’s damaged. Keep movement to a minimum and add ice when appropriate.


“Varying tears and dislocations can be common when the body moves or contorts in a sudden, unnatural way,” said Troy Diehl, D.O., Performance Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine. “If you or a loved one has suffered any tear, strain or dislocation, we can help diagnose and advise of the next appropriate steps and timetable to help get you back in the game.”


If you know of someone who you think may be suffering from any type of sports related orthopedic injury, please contact us at (972) 569-2700 and schedule an appointment immediately. This is a great time of year and we want to help keep you healthy and happy!



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